Privacy Practices
Effective 04/01/2003 Revised 02/26/2015
1996年的《全球最大赌博365网站》(HIPAA)保护医疗记录和其他个人健康信息的机密性. The rule limits the use and release of individually identifiable health information; gives patients the right to access their medical records; restricts most disclosures of health information to the minimum needed for the intended purpose; and establishes safeguards and restriction regarding the disclosure of records for certain public responsibilities, such as public health, research and law enforcement. 根据HIPAA规定的不当使用或披露将受到刑事和民事制裁.
本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息,以及您如何获得这些信息. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY.
The Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. 收集您的健康信息,并将其存储在图表和计算机上. This is a medical record. 医疗记录属于全球最大赌博365网站P.C. but the information in the medical record belongs to you. The Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. protects the privacy of your health information. The law permits the Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. 为下列授权目的使用或披露您的健康信息:
- Coordinating a treatment plan – e.g. to have prescriptions filled
- Payment for services – e.g. to bill your health plan
- Evaluating the quality of care you receive – e.g. 评估员工的表现,包括开展培训项目,让学生参加, 医疗保健领域的学员或从业人员在监督下学习,以实践或提高他们的技能. 这也可能包括学生评估医疗保健职业选择.
- Research – e.g. to study the effects of medication on the healing process
- Public Health – e.g. to prevent or control disease, injury or disability
- Health Oversight Activities – e.g. to allow the government to monitor the health care system, government programs, and compliance with civil right laws
- Organ and Tissue Donation – e.g. 向办理器官采购的机构发布信息
- Law Enforcement – .g. 查明或找到嫌疑犯、逃犯、重要证人或失踪人员
- Emergencies – e.g. 为避免对您、他人或公众的健康和安全造成严重威胁
- Inmates – e.g. 为了保护你的健康和安全
- Marketing and Fundraising – e.g. 向您发送我们认为可能对您有益的产品或服务的信息,或与您全球最大赌博365网站办公室支持的筹款活动. 您可以全球最大赌博365网站的保安人员,要求不将这些材料发送给您.
- Court Ordered – e.g. 提供法院命令或执法人员要求的医疗信息.
我们可能会向代表我们履行职能或为我们提供服务的业务伙伴披露您受保护的健康信息,如果这些信息对这些职能或服务是必要的. 例如,我们可能使用另一家公司来执行计费服务. 我们将只披露履行合同义务所需的最低数量的个人健康信息. 根据与我们签订的合同,我们的所有业务伙伴都有义务保护您的信息隐私,不得使用或披露任何信息,除非以Yankton Medical Clinic允许的方式, P.C. to so.
No other uses or disclosures, 除非上述《英国最大赌博365网站》明确列出, may be made without an individual authorization. 您有权以书面形式撤销该等授权,我们将尊重您的要求, 除非在无法控制的情况下,我们根据你的初始授权采取行动.
Currently, 您的健康信息可能在医疗保健提供者和保险公司之间通过电话共享, fax, mail, or through limited computer networks. 这些过程需要时间,可能会给你或你的医生带来负担,但仍然不能提供完整的记录. 南达科他州健康信息交换使搜索过程自动化. It allows one participant (for example, 医生)来定位来自其他参与者的记录(例如, a hospital) in a matter of minutes. 这在紧急情况下可能是至关重要的,并且可能导致您的提供者拥有更完整和准确的健康记录. 所有的病人在洋克顿医疗诊所,PC自动登记在此计划. Visit website for additional information on this program, including how to opt out if you choose to not participate.
Individual Rights
You have the right to:
- Request to inspect and/or copy your health records.
- Request an accounting of disclosures of health records.
- Request to amend your health records.
- 要求限制受保护的医疗保健信息的某些使用和披露或方式或方法. The Clinic is not required to honor a requested restriction.
- 在某些情况下接收受保护的医疗保健信息的机密通信.
- 就隐私实践和/或未经授权披露受保护的医疗保健信息提出投诉.
- 收到可能危及您所保护的医疗保健信息隐私的安全漏洞通知.
- 要求卫生保健提供者不向任何健康计划/保险公司提供有关个人自费治疗的信息. 病人有责任在他们希望这样做时提前通知全球最大赌博365网站.
- Maintain the confidentiality of your genetic information. 我们可能不会透露任何遗传信息用于保险承保.
- 要求医疗保健机构的隐私惯例的书面副本.
If you are concerned that we have violated your privacy rights, 和/或对我们的隐私保护措施表示关切, 你可按下列地址向我们的保安主任提出书面投诉. 要求保安员协助提出投诉.
Security Officer
Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C.
1104 West 8th Street
Yankton, SD 57078
(605) 665-7841
You may also send a written complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at the following address.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights
200 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20201
Toll Free 1-877-696-6775
We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.
Our Legal Duty
We are required by law to protect the privacy of your information, provide this notice about our practices, and to follow the guidelines described in this notice.
We reserve the right to change our policies at any time. 如果我们的政策有重大变化,将立即张贴在诊所明显的地方.